Global Entry enrollment suspended through July 6
Global entry interviews have been delayed by coronavirus again.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will keep enrollment centers for its Trusted Traveler programs closed through at least July 6, its Customs and Border Protection arm said in a statement Tuesday.
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If you've applied for Global Entry or other Trusted Traveler programs like Nexus and Sentri, you'll have to wait a little longer for your interview.
"Conditionally-approved Trusted Traveler Program applicants who seek an interview at an enrollment center will need to reschedule their appointment using the online scheduling tool after July 6," the agency said. "These applicants are encouraged to check their e-mail and Trusted Traveler Program accounts for further information. CBP will continue to monitor the situation in order to resume enrollment center interviews as soon as possible."
Guide: Key things to know about Global Entry.
The announcement is just the latest in a string of delays for the resumption of Trusted Traveler interviews. CBP had previously postponed them until May 1, and then through June 1 before Tuesday's latest update.
Waiting longer for a Global Entry interview can certainly be frustrating, but with a historic travel slump underway, you probably aren't jetting off abroad any time soon anyway.
CBP's update isn't all bad news for travelers though.
Guide: Top credit cards for Global Entry and TSA PreCheck.
The agency has extended provisional application approvals to 485 days. The agency is also extending Global Entry benefits to existing members for 18 months past the original expiration date, so long as you have a new application in process.
That doesn't help New York state residents though, who are still barred from applying.
If you happen to be traveling before July 6 and have a conditionally-approved Global Entry application, you can still finalize your membership by doing an interview on arrival. CBP said that option will remain available at all airports where it was previously offered, even as scheduled interviews remain off the table.
How do you know when your Global Entry is expiring?
The most obvious way is to check your Global Entry card to see the expiration there. Or, if you've lost track of your card, the Global Entry kiosks should alert you if your expiration is looming.
Beyond that, you also can check online – though that requires logging in with your Trusted Traveler profile. We've got the full set of instructions. Or, if you've lost track of you're Trust Traveler profile, we've also got you covered if you need to create a new one.
More: Tips for when and how to renew your Global Entry membership.
More: Snagging a Global Entry interview on vacation — reader success story.