Money-Saving HotelTonight App Launches 'Upgrade Your Stay' Option
HotelTonight is one of the best ways to save some money on last-minute hotel stays. With it, you can book hotel rooms at sometimes tremendously discounted rates. And every time you book, you earn points toward its new rewards program, HT perks. One thing that's always been lacking with the app, however, is the option to opt for a room beyond the most basic option. Now, you can choose to upgrade your room.
HotelTonight launched the upgrade feature in the app for select properties. With it, you can choose either the basic option or the upgraded room option, which will also be offered at a discounted rate. If you've selected a property with an upgrade option, you'll see the an icon appear that says "Upgrade your stay." The app will then give you details about the upgrade type, which you'll be able to examine before completing your booking.
If you'd rather only see the properties with upgrade rooms available, you can search the city and the word "upgrade." For example, if you wanted to search only for properties with upgrades in San Diego, you would search "San Diego upgrade" in the search bar.
Overall, it's a pretty simple process, allowing you to choose whether or not you want to opt for a better room on your next stay. It's nice this option is coming from HotelTonight, too, since it'll offer the rooms at a discounted rate. If you don't yet have a HotelTonight account, you can sign up and get a $25 credit on your first stay by using promo code BKELLY99 when you sign up.