Replacement Galaxy Note 7 Catches Fire on Southwest Plane
Last month, the FAA shared its concern about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7's habit of involuntarily self-destructing, leading airlines to ban customers from turning on, charging or carrying the Note 7 in checked luggage during a flight. This was expected to be a temporary move, as Samsung worked to replace all of the original models. Unfortunately, following today's news, this ban is likely to stick.
As The Verge reports, a replacement Galaxy Note 7 caught fire on a Southwest flight from Louisville to Baltimore earlier today. Fortunately, the plane was still at the gate, but passengers and crew were evacuated and the flight was canceled. The phone ending up burning a hole in the carpet.
Given that this happened with a replacement phone, it's probably safe to assume that even new Note 7 devices are at risk. If you have an original or replacement phone in your possession, you might want to stop using it right away and return it to the store. If you decide to keep it, be sure to leave it at home the next time you fly.
H/T: The Verge